Cadeaux A Part

Participation in the International Fair of Crafts and contemporary design “Cadeux A Part” in Bordeaux, France. This one is a fair specially dedicated to the creators and workshops of art worldwide. In this fifth edition the latest creations in contemporary crafts are shown. Craftsmen of a very high standard came with a high level of…


Maison & Objet

Participation in the International Fair of Design “Maison and Objet”, in Paris. Professional fair in which the latest designs of contemporary creators of all the continents are shown. It is very interesting to be part of this kind of fairs because it is an opportunity to show our latest creations, and to see and establish…



Participation in the International Fair of Design “Tendence”, in Frankfurt, Germany. Professional fair in which the latest trends in Contemporary Design appear. It is very enriching to be part of this kind of fairs. Enables one to keep in touch with galleries and designers of other nationalities. In this edition five main countries of origin…


Galería Tasmania

The “Tasmania Gallery”, in Barcelona, Spain, is a space dedicated specially to Contemporary Jewellery. Pieces of the “Namibia” and “Espinas” Collection, were exhibited in an individual exhibition. The pieces were exhibited in Small showcases-containers where the contrast of light and shade were suggested an oneiric and theatrical space. [mk_gallery images=”7729,7731,7733,7735,7737″ column=”3″ height=”250″ frame_style=”simple” disable_title=”false” image_quality=”1″…
